Category: Updates

Monday 6 November

The ten workers that arrived today were treated to a beautiful clear morning with the Trees displaying their Autumn colours. We then split into small groups to work on the following tasks A litter pick of the immediate area was undertaken, but the pickings were slim after the recent bad weather; hopefully a good sign. Beauchief Abbey Lane was cleared of leaves & mud by a large group of us. A few cut a hedge, mostly Blackthorn, that had overgrown and was forcing people to walk on the grass area rather than the path, in the area on the Round

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Stone bench in memory of Tony Smith

The following small article was published by Greener Greenhill, built by members of the Monday Group to place a former wooden one.  A further article Appeared in the November issue of Active 8 magazine, and is reproduced below.

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Monday 23 October

Gulley’s Wood Meadow has been mowed by Abbeydale Golf Club,  and there is no further remedial work required by us. Ten of us turned out today with two going to Gulley’s Wood Meadow and the rest to the Nature Park : In Gulleys Wood Meadow the damaged wall was rebuilt to just short of coverband level and additional vandal (?) damage 10 yards further on (pushing over the cope stones – though thankfully, not this time, demolishing the rest of the wall)  repaired. In the Nature Park, we finished the bench , by putting the actual seat on it.  A

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Removal of alien species 2023, Saturday 22nd July

On a decidedly wet and seriously muddy Saturday morning, four intrepid Balsam bashers – two from the Monday Group and two regulars from a local Rotary Club – met at Dore and Totley Station for our annual assault on the alien species that attempt to infiltrate Ladies Spring Wood along the banks of the River Sheaf. A recce during the previous week had shown a smaller number of Himalayan Balsam plants than expected, at various stages of development, with some already well into flowering. Unfortunately, a small colony was also spotted below the weir, an area that had previously had

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Sorby Natural History Society of Sheffield survey of Shene Field 

A good turnout of Sorby members, under the leadership of Jim Horsfall, arrived at 2.00 pm on Sunday 9th July to carry out the survey. They were met at the gate by the BEG Chair who passed on a copy of the results of a BEG botanical survey carried out some years ago. Unfortunately the gate had not been unlocked, contrary to what they had been told, so everyone had to climb over the gate. There was an excellent view of a buzzard flying fairly low above. On the positive side we were emailed a draft copy of most of

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Visit to Beauchief Hall Gardens: Wednesday 5 July 2023

There was a very good turnout for our evening visit to Beauchief Hall Gardens. We assembled in the fountain garden at 7.00 pm and were warmly welcomed by the Hall’s residents, Hora and Amin. Accompanied by Hora, we enjoyed touring the various parts of the very large garden which contained lovely flower beds and extensive lawns. Several of us had the opportunity of hand feeding the deer which came to the fence and quickly gobbled up a whole bowl of large slices of melon peel. It was lovely to see the fawns in the distance.  Hora and Amin had set

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Monday 3 April

This morning was spent in surveying the area for tasks that needed attention. Most of our patch was covered by two teams. The grills on the middle pond were also cleared of debris; and one of the group picked litter from around the ponds and Beauchief Drive . The following tasks were identified: Lower path in Park Bank Wood Revetment replacement on the path past Tony’s Steps – approx.. 12m length with 10 stobs. Upper path from Bocking Lane end Revetment required near where paths meet before going down steps to road – approx. 3m and 3 stobs. Revetment required

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Monday 27 March

Six people turned up at the Barn and three at the top of Beauchief Drive. The Barn Group went to the top path in Park Bank Wood to move some of the revetment installed last week to route the path the correct side of the tree.  Stone rubble was also added on the path where it was uneven. A step on the Long Steps was replaced and blockages on the pond near the Abbey were cleared. The three members at Beauchief Drive cleared a fallen tree that was overhanging the saplings installed there.  We then moved to the heather patch where

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Monday 27 February

Ten members were actively occupied in cutting holly this morning.  One was working hard in Hutcliffe Wood on his own for a variety of reasons, and the remaining nine (including a new member, Joan) went to Little Wood Bank to work on holly clearance on the last week before the start of the nesting season.  

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Monday 20 February

Twelve members turned up at the Barn this morning.  Three headed to Hutcliffe Wood and the remaining nine ascended Beauchief Drive to Little Wood Bank.  In both cases we were removing the denser patches of holly to allow the standards to obtain more light and moisture for their growth.  It should also help the bluebells which were just starting to appear through the leaf litter. 

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Monday 13 February

Fourteen members turned up for work today. Three went to Hutcliffe Wood to clear a fallen oak which was blocking the upwards path at the Abbey Lane end then on to clear holly to create more light for bluebells etc near the Monkey Bumps. Six members cut back holly in Little Wood Bank, having received permission from the Council. The tall trees up from the middle of the bottom path were targeted to allow more light to reach the ground.  Leaves were also raked from the adjoining section of the bottom path. Afterwards there was an inspection of the path down to Twentywell

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