Monday 6 November

The ten workers that arrived today were treated to a beautiful clear morning with the Trees displaying their Autumn colours.

We then split into small groups to work on the following tasks

A litter pick of the immediate area was undertaken, but the pickings were slim after the recent bad weather; hopefully a good sign.

Beauchief Abbey Lane was cleared of leaves & mud by a large group of us.

A few cut a hedge, mostly Blackthorn, that had overgrown and was forcing people to walk on the grass area rather than the path, in the area on the Round Walk just after the Abbey Pond, at the request of the Beauchief Golf Course Green-keepers.

The Barn had its much needed ‘Spring Clean,’ with much rubbish being removed. 

Lastly, two went up to Gulley’s Meadow and finished off the Coping Stones on the Wall