Monday 3 April

This morning was spent in surveying the area for tasks that needed attention. Most of our patch was covered by two teams.

The grills on the middle pond were also cleared of debris; and one of the group picked litter from around the ponds and Beauchief Drive .

The following tasks were identified:

Lower path in Park Bank Wood

Revetment replacement on the path past Tony’s Steps – approx.. 12m length with 10 stobs.

Upper path from Bocking Lane end

Revetment required near where paths meet before going down steps to road – approx. 3m and 3 stobs.

Revetment required as continuation from where we diverted revetment round tree last week – approx. 10m and 10 stobs.

More surfacing on path where placed last week.

Tony’s Step’s

Tidy up steps to eliminate any trip hazards on steps.

Upper path from other end to Tony’s Steps

2 steps need replacing and one needs new stob.

John’s Step’s (off Holly Path)

Revetment required – approx. 3m and 4 stobs.

2x stobs required on 4th step up.

Tree nursery

Move some of the trees to give others more room and clear around the saplings.

Little Wood Bank


Suggested action



Footpath behind driving range


Muddy after wet weather, with large puddle at Rec end, and smaller ones in furrows towards Elwood Rd end.

Lay hardcore.

Hole arising from sett bordering path.

SYBG to address, with BEG help as needed.

Recreation ground

Bench top needs replacement

Possible BAG action

Footpath along side of driving range


Muddy after wet weather towards Bradway Road entrance.

Lay hardcore.

Little Wood Bank Gorse Patch

Brambles need trimming back

Clearance can be done any


Diagonal path between top and bottom of wood


Path has running water after wet weather draining from surrounding hillside. Path also muddy after wet weather due to soft ground towards bottom.

Lay hardcore.



Footpath along bottom of wood


Twentywell Lane steps muddy.

Scrape steps.

Short section above steps eroded.

Wait for response from Sam Beaton.

Will need considerable infill

Short section above occasional stream narrow.  Stream could do with some clearance by small bridge

Remove encroaching vegetation and also Leylandii nearer Twetywell

Towards Beauchief Drive, path muddy after wet weather due to water draining down hillside and descending white steps. Drainage slits on steps often blocked. Water also collects in furrows. Small channels from path towards golf course help drainage.

Clear existing channels, dig new ones, lay hardcore.





Help Tom Collier to tidy up work done in February.

Wait for response from Tom.


High Wood, Ladies Spring Wood and Nether Wood



Suggested action



Footpath along top of wood from Holly Path


One of John’s Steps broken.

Fred’s seat bench is rotting like one in Nether



Repair broken step.

One of several that need new seats

Area between path and deer park fence largely bare earth, as no clear route from Nature Park to John’s Steps.

Establish one or more routes using logs or revetments. Tricky as children will take the shortest route to the fence

Continuing along top, section following Postman’s Steps often muddy, with path falling away down hillside and official route sometimes unclear.

Lay hardcore and insert revetments if practicable.

After route shared with Round Walk, much of path can be very muddy, with widening and alternative routes. Some scope for drainage channels but hardcore needed.

Lay hardcore, dig drainage channels if practicable.

Path beyond Round Walk needs scrape and surfacing

Scrape and lay hardcore

Round Walk


Fallen leaves in places, and broken revetments, particularly either side of Postman’s Steps.

Clear leaves. Repair / replace revetments – estimated 11 new pieces needed.

After diverting from path along top, Round Walk goes downhill with alternative routes to long steps. Some accumulated mud on steps.

Possibly lay hardcore above steps. Scrape steps.




Action needed



Westwick Steps


Fifth step from bottom broken.

Replace step.



Hall Path


Near nettle patch, short flight of steps through first gap in wall disused as surface worn away.

Lay hardcore if practicable.



Nature Park


See if any remaining snow damage.

Buddleia in centre of Meadow needs attention after damage

Some overhanging branches on circular walk

Tidy up as necessary.

See if any replacement needed in orchard or small meadow.

Replace from tree nursery or other sources as necessary (Tom offered to get replacements for orchard, following his pruning there).

Ray Morris’s seat top is unsteady and rotting

Bench attention or replacment

Beauchief Drive


Much surface water above tarmac after rain, particularly large puddles between gates on either side of golf course. Presumably AGC responsibility.

Possibly discuss better drainage with AGC in long-term.



Shene Field


Remove brambles.

Continue job started several weeks ago.