Minutes of BEG AGM held on Saturday 10th February 2024 at Greenhill Library
20 people were present.
1 Apologies for absence
Joan Hobson
2 Minutes of AGM held Sat 4th March 2023
Read by Secretary Carol Behagg. Acceptance proposed by Caroline Hobart, seconded Jon Smith.
3 Chairman’s report
Presented by Diana Holland, who gave an account of the activities of the group, mostly tasks carried out on Monday mornings. Although we are still not allowed to use any power tools, the workers have achieved a huge amount.
Photographs were shown, both of the work and of wildlife spotted through the year. Diana appealed for more photos to be sent for the newsletter.
4 Report on Abbey barns
John Gilbert reported on the situation with the Abbey barns, which are now considered unsafe. The barn used by BEG for storage is not in bad condition and can still be used, although it is fenced off along with the whole block.
A discussion followed about a campaign to save the barns from falling into further disrepair. Our local councillor, Simon Clement-Jones offered to set up an online petition. He mentioned that there was to be a meeting of the Town Hall committee which will discuss the future of the barns on 12th March. The petition should therefore be signed, and emails and letters submitted before then. We will send information about the barns and the campaign to our members, encouraging them to forward to other, potentially interested people. A proforma letter will be included. Graham Marsden suggested that signatures for the petition might be collected from passing walkers by volunteers standing by the barns.
Approaches for support were suggested to the Hunter Archaeological Society, English Heritage and Colin Merrony of Sheffield University. The building’s Grade II listing in a conservation area was also mentioned.
Pam Hodgson mentioned Beauchief Abbey Barns Association. John, as BABA’s treasurer said there was some money in its account, although the organisation had been dormant for some time.
5 Treasurer’s report and presentation of accounts
Copies had been circulated to attendees. Gavin Johns explained the accounts for 2023, which had been examined by Kay Rollings and signed as correct.
The accounts were accepted by the meeting and thanks given to Kay.
6 Secretary’s report
Carol thanked the members who deliver newsletters by hand. Most members now receive them electronically.
BEG has successfully applied for a grant from the City Council to fund the relining of one of the ponds in the Nature Park. This will be carried out in the spring.
Mention was made of the need for new Committee members and of the new BEG website, which Michael Gagan has worked on. We are grateful to him for this.
Diana was thanked for all her work on the newsletter.
7 Election of Officers
Diana, Gavin and Carol were willing to continue as Chair, Treasurer and Secretary respectively. They were proposed and seconded by Mike Bloy and Pam Hodgson respectively.
8 Election of Committee
Dave Higgins resigned from the Committee. In the absence of other proposals, the remaining members Michael Gagan, John Gilbert, David Hunt and Jon Smith were willing to continue, and were proposed and seconded by Dave Higgins and Bill Horner respectively.
9 Constitution
Our present constitution was last revised in 2001 and needs some revision. It was decided that a revised version would be put online for members to read and then could be voted for in the next AGM.
10 Any other business
Caroline Hobart felt that BEG could be better publicised and possibly put on more events such as evening meetings with speakers. Diana said that such events had been run in the past but discontinued due to dwindling numbers, and that Greener Greenhill were now running such events. Graham Marsden felt that the amount of work done by BEG wasn’t sufficiently recognised. An article on BEG for Active8 was suggested.
Dave Higgins suggested that Saturday might not be the best evening for the BEG AGM. The committee will consider what might be more popular.