Saturday 5th February 2022 at Greenhill Library
Eighteen members attended this year’s AGM, which was again held at Greenhill Library after a break of two years due to the Covid-19 restrictions. The evening opened with the formal AGM proceedings.
The minutes of the 2020 AGM, held just before the lockdown, had been circulated and were approved. Damage to grass verges continues to be an issue. The Family Fun Day planned for Spring 2020 unfortunately had to be cancelled.
The Chair, Diana, announced that Susan Hocking and Trudi Parsons had resigned from Committee membership and thanked them for their many years of hard work and support. She then went through the year month by month, though without showing photographs of working sessions and wildlife pictures, as these will form the subject of a later Social Evening (Saturday 8th October). Most of the last two year’s activities have been undertaken by the Monday Group. Sheffield City Council’s ban on the use of machinery such as mowers and hedge cutters has made a lot of the group’s tasks much more difficult; but we are getting limited help from an SCC Ranger. Additional members to bring new ideas to the committee would be welcomed. The Treasurer presented the audited accounts that had been circulated before the meeting. Our new independent examiner, Kay Rollings, is a BEG member, who commented that as in recent times, expenditure had exceeded income, a continuation of this trend would result in the group running out of money. The treasurer is investigating the option of transferring the bank account to Lloyds Bank following the recent introduction of charges by Virgin Money. Thanks were expressed to the independent examiner and to the treasurer, and the Accounts accepted. The Secretary reported that membership numbers had fallen slightly. Thanks were expressed to all who hand-deliver the Newsletters; and to the Chairman for all her hard work, especially on the Newsletter. Contributions from members are always welcome. The group’s officers, and the present committee were willing to continue and were re-elected en bloc.
It is intended to plant a semi-mature tree such as a lime in the nature park to mark the Platinum Jubilee, and it was suggested that SCC might donate one in return for our help. It was noted some trees in the orchard have died.
Afterwards a bring-and-share supper with wine, soft drinks and coffee, was enjoyed and there was plenty of time to chat.