Thirty-one members attended this year’s AGM, which was again held at Greenhill Library. The evening opened with the formal AGM proceedings. The minutes of the 2019 AGM were approved; and the Chair, Diana, went through the year month by month, showing photographs of working sessions, and finishing with wildlife pictures sent in by BEG members,in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. Last year’s activities included Higher Level Stewardship of Gulleys Wood Meadow and Shene Field, the workings of the Monday Group, who now also do some work in Hutcliffe Wood. Saturday tasks were not being as well supported as previously, Also mentioned were wildflower and wildlife walks undertaken during the year. It was stressed how much work is done on Mondays.
The Treasurer presented the audited accounts, reminding members that they now follow the calendar year. He explained of how the two accounts were used, and about depreciation of equipment. told the meeting how he depreciates the value of equipment. Thanks were given to Dave Ludlam our retiring independent accounts examiner. Brett Duncan had been recommended to check the accounts next year, and members approved this recommendation. The Treasurer was thanked and the Accounts accepted.
The Secretary’s report was read in her absence. Thanks were given to all who hand-deliver the newsletters saving much in postage; for the donations which amounted to over and above the receipts from subscriptions; and to the Chairman for all her work, much of which is unseen.
The group’s officers, and the present committee were willing to continue and were re-elected en bloc.
A Family Fun Day will be held at the Nature Park on Saturday 9 May as BEG’s contribution to Sheffield Environment weeks. , where it will be held and about some of those running the activities. Members will be assisted by a Ranger and members of the Sorby Society. More volunteers would be welcome, and donations of cakes etc for refreshments would be appreciated. Beauchief Abbey will be open and also providing refreshments. Sainsburys will be supplying tea and coffee.
Patrick Coghlan praised the work done in the area by BEG. He wanted to organise a meeting in the area to try to stir up interest in Climate Change. This met with some support and the Chairman suggested Patrick should contact appropriate groups and come back to BEG, so the committee could consider any proposals.
Pam Hodgson gave thanks to all who work at Beauchief Abbey; the many visitors to the Abbey are often impressed by the surrounding area. The legal work on ‘Pam’s Patch’ is still not completed.
This is Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet’s 50th year open to the public and some events may be held there. BEG may be asked to help with cleaning up the site beforehand.
Damage to grass verges in Beauchief was mentioned. This will be passed to the meeting of Local Councillors.
Afterwards we had an excellent bring-and-share supper with wine, soft drinks and coffee, and there was plenty of time to chat.